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Trail running is essentially off-road running, run or hike in the mountains. Any time we run on an more technical surface, that is trail running.

Trail running, it is a run at the heart of nature.


1)    Trail Running Will Improve Your Balance


The natural twists and turns of the track, the rocks, and branches that we will have to escape and jump over, all mean that as we run, we will simultaneously be working on our balance and agility. 


We may find ourself throw our arms in the air to counter a sudden twist in the trail!

Due to the type of surface which we will deal with, the unevenness of our running cadence, as well as the leaping and dodging, our core and your smaller stabilizing muscles will kick into action. 

This will in time increase our spatial awareness, better our balance, and tone up those abs.


2)    Trail Running Is An Adventure.


Heading out into nature is a great way to bring out our adventurous side. 

Dare yourself to head out to the trails without a clear plan, and explore the local area. When it comes to trail running, there is no such thing as a wrong turn.


3)    Trail Running Keeps Your Brain Engaged


It is all too common to get bored on a road run.

With little change in scenery, the boredom of the terrain, and a steady, uniform cadence- road running is far from being mentally engaging. 


Although having a wandering mind can often be a good thing, road running often lends itself to focusing on that niggle in our calf, or lets our mind drift towards focusing on the daily stresses of life. 


In contrast, hitting the trails means constant brain engagement. 

There is no time to zone out and fixate on our work deadline when there are tree roots and muddy puddles to leap over, and branches to duck under. 


This constant external stimulus means that we are forced to be present and to really be in the moment or else, we’ll be covered in mud. Being mindful,  has been shown to have many psychological benefits. 


4)    Trail Running Improves Your Overall Fitness


The resistance of running uphill improves leg strength. Uneven ground improves ankle strength, flexibility and balance. Having to vary stride length to deal with roots and rocks improves agility and coordination. Running down the hills improves leg speed and conditions muscles against impact.


5)    Trail Running Is Easier On Your Joints


Trail running will reduce joint impact. Our joints feel less strain and impact when we run on trails than they normally would on pavements and roads. When our feet hit the ground, the softer ground absorbs a lot of the force that would have travelled through our leg and into our knees.


6)    Spending Time In Nature Is Good For Your Mental Health


Even if we’re in our local park, trail running means that we immerse ourself in nature. 

Being in nature reduces stress levels and can help us to disconnect from our stressors and from technology.


Focus To Get The Best Shoes For Trail Running


Having a good pair of running shoes according to our type of feet is essential for any runner, however casual they may be.

The shoe should first and foremost be suited to you-the runner, but it should fit also the type of surface you are running on.


Trail running shoes are made especially to handle uneven, rugged terrain. They are built to take on soft earth, loose rocks, and pretty much anything in between. 


Trail running shoes typically have thick rubber sole (those raised threads under the shoe), which lend themselves to gripping onto whichever terrain we land on, and more technical sections.


As a general rule, we should select and focus on larger lugs for more slippery surfaces, such as wet grass.


One of the top brand recommended for trail running shoes is HOKA!


Enjoy Some Nice Trail Runs, Running In Nature Will Support Your Overall Health, Energy, Healthy Body, And Great Mental Wellness And Brain Health!


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