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How to Support Healthy Gut For Runners And Athletes


For runners and athletes, if we feel and have some gut issues, when running or exercising, to have some stomach and gut issues would be affecting our training sessions and intense stress. Especially if we don’t have access to a toilet. To maintain some healthy gut would make our training sessions feel much better.


We should understanding the main cause of gut problems. A lifestyle, with high stress, low exercises, low movement, and a diet high in processed food, is often what causes gut issues. However, diet plays a big role in gut health. Refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, and highly processed foods are like may negatively impact good bacteria in our gut and encourage the growth of harmful bacteria.


The good news is that we can likely improve our gut health with some conscious effort. It all starts with awareness and then making small, consistent changes, so we can run or exercise without gut and stomach issues.




Our gut contains about 100 trillion micro-organisms, mainly in the form of bacteria, that may significantly contribute to our overall health and happiness.

But how do we know when something’s off in our gut, and what symptoms should we focus on?


1.     Insomnia Or Constant Fatigue


When our sleep schedule is thrown off by late nights or stress, it’s not just our energy levels that can suffer. This disruption can potentially lead to an imbalance in our gut bacteria, a condition known as microbial dysbiosis.

This imbalance can affect more than our digestive health, it can influence our overall well-being and circadian rhythm.

If we don’t get enough sleep, our gut health may be negatively impacted. And if we have poor gut health, we may have a hard time getting a good night’s rest. 

That’s why a disrupted sleep cycle, often resulting in feelings of insomnia or constant fatigue, may be an indicator of poor gut health.


2.     Weight Issues And Stomach Issues


An imbalance of gut bacteria can block the absorption of nutrients and potentially lead to weight loss or gain. And stomach issues like chronic bloating, acid reflux, and gas may hint to an unhappy digestive system and be a warning signal that something is wrong.


Additionally, gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease can often be related to gut health. Bad bacteria in the intestines can cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to abdominal pain and discomfort. 


3.     Skin Conditions


Experts have linked conditions like skin allergies, eczema, acne, and psoriasis to intestinal issues. When our gut lining becomes permeable, it is thought that toxins might escape and travel throughout our body, promoting inflammation that can manifest on our skin. That’s why it might be worth looking to our gut as a source of the issue when treating skin conditions. Based on a study, a healthy gut could potentially lead to healthier skin.


4.     Intolerance To Some Types Of Foods


If we experience allergic reactions to specific foods, such as swelling, rashes, or difficulty breathing, this could be related to our gut health. A compromised gut can lead to leaky gut syndrome, which may make us more susceptible to food allergies and intolerances.


5.     Extreme Sugar Cravings


Cravings that seem to control us could very well be controlling our gut bacteria instead.

Gut bacteria can make our body feel intense sugar cravings, and if we eat too much sugar our gut health will be intensely affected.




Now that you’re more aware of the symptoms of bad gut health, you’re probably wondering how to improve your gut health. Here are a few strategies to consider:


  • Stay Hydrated: Water helps in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. Proper hydration is essential for a healthy gut. 

  • Proper Antibiotic Use: While sometimes necessary, overuse or misuse of antibiotics can disrupt the balance of your microbiome gut bacteria.

  • Clean Up Your Diet: Avoid sugar and processed food and try to include lots of high fibre vegetables and healthy fats.

  • Keep Moving: Exercises can increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut and increases diverse microbiome

  • Sunlight: Exposure to natural sunlight helps to balance gut microbiome

  • Bone Broth: Both broth packs a powerful punch of nutrients to help repair and balance gut lining.

  • Healthy Sleep Patterns: Ideally a minimum of 7 hours and a maximum of 9 between the hours of 10pm and 7am. Maintain the same daily sleep schedule to support healthy gut and good energy.



Maintaining a healthy gut is influential for overall health and well-being. Here are some foods that support a balanced and thriving gut microbiome, which is made up of more bacteria. 



Fermented Foods


  • Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi

  • Benefits: Rich in probiotics, which help populate your gut with beneficial bacteria


Fiber-Rich Foods


  • Oats, lentils, chia seeds, berries

  • Benefits: Promote healthy digestion and feed the good bacteria in your gut


Leafy Greens


  • Spinach, kale, Swiss chard

  • Benefits: High in fiber and nutrients, supporting overall gut health


Prebiotic Foods


  • Garlic, onions, bananas, asparagus

  • Benefits: Contain compounds that feed and promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria


Healthy Fats


  • Avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds

  • Benefits: Support a balanced microbiome and reduce gut inflammation


Lean Proteins


  • Chicken, fish, tofu, legumes

  • Benefits: Provide essential amino acids and support gut barrier function


Eating a variety of these gut-friendly foods can help maintain a balanced microbiome, leading to improved digestion, enhanced immune function, and overall better health. Remember, a healthy gut starts with a balanced, diverse diet rich in fiber, probiotics, prebiotics, and healthy fats.

Organize and focus on these foods to keep your healthy gut, so you don’t have any gut issues when running, training or exercising.


Focus On Healthy Foods And Diet To Support Healthy Gut, No Stress, Better Sleep, Nice Good Run, Good Training, And Great Exercises!



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